Providing accounting reports for Principal Investigators and other interested parties is one of the principal functions of the Finance & Administration Department.

Individual project and discretionary reports can be accessed in real-time using the ODU Research Portal

Sponsored Program Activity Reports (PDF)

These reports provide an annual snapshot of sponsored program activity by year. The information is provided in summary form and detailed by Principal Investigator and by department.

Indirect Cost Allocation Reports (PDF)

These reports provide the breakdown of IDC allocations for each sponsored project every six months. Amounts reported reflect allocations to the Research Foundation for administrative costs; faculty, department, and college discretionary accounts; as well as amounts used for ODU and ODU Office of Research operations.

Annual Audited Financial Statements (PDF)

(including required Uniform Guidance compliance reports)

The Research Foundation is subject to an independent audit each year in accordance with Uniform Guidance (CFR 2 Part 200).